Writing – One Geek's Observations https://onegeeksobservations.com A blog about anything Sat, 04 May 2019 19:13:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.7.11 170167758 30 Spring 2019 Writing Prompts #2! https://onegeeksobservations.com/2019/05/04/30-spring-2019-writing-prompts-2/ https://onegeeksobservations.com/2019/05/04/30-spring-2019-writing-prompts-2/#respond Sat, 04 May 2019 18:53:56 +0000 http://onegeeksobservations.com/?p=87

Yup, I have noticed that I cannot seem to keep up with this monthly… Well, at least I know now. So, these are going to be renamed to “30 Spring 2019 Writing Prompts” or however many I’m able to produce. Not sure yet how often this is going to happen, whether monthly, or bimonthly or what. I’m still trying to figure this out. Lol. But for now, as late as this is, here’s 30 writing prompts for ya! Enjoy!


“What comes up, must come down. Except in space, where there isn’t any sense of up nor down.”


Write about what would frustrate you/your character as:
A: a woman
B: a man
C: an eagle
D: a cash register
E: a car


Dreams are full of metaphors, symbols, etc. Look up a list of them and use one to represent or foreshadow something in your story.


Write a scene that includes marshmallows and anger.


Write a scene involving two characters:
One has serious spring allergies.
The other is like “what the heck is wrong with you?”


Describe the sound of wind when it whips in between the tree branches.


Where is that wind going? What is it searching for, if for anything at all?


You look up in the sky and, all of a sudden, you see two blue herons flying through the strong wind, far away from their home.


Could the reason why the sky looks multicolored be because it’s actually made of cotton candy?


Listen to some EDM music and write about the feeling each song gives or what it could represent.


What is your favorite thing about summer? Spring? Fall? Winter? If you don’t have a favorite thing about each of these seasons, write about your least favorite thing. Then write a scene involving that favorite/least favorite thing and the related season. Make it happen to your character(s).


Write a scene where a man shows strong emotion. Not anger.


Write about growing pains. What did you have the most of? Was it physical or emotional? Which one did/does your character have the most?


Research a list of facial expressions and body language. Pick three or more and write a scene based off of those. What caused this type of reaction? Does the mood change within the same scene? If so, how? What emotion is felt with these expressions and body language?


“Spring is here!”
*trees explode with confetti*


What kind of CDs would your character keep on their shelf? Country gospel? Classical? Pop?


Take some time to research a mental illness most people don’t understand. Then write two characters. One who has the mental illness, and one who has no idea what it is. How would the scene play out if these two were stuck in the same room together for 24 hours?


Give your story a huge, ridiculous plot twist, then find a way to make it plausible. If you’re writing a contemporary romance story, slap some sci-fi aliens in the mix. If you’re writing an everyday life musical, add a murder mystery. Etc. Go crazy, see where it leads you.


“Salt and pepper go great with everything!”
“Not on a cheesecake!”


Write about an alien planet where railroad tracks connect all the way around the world, literally. What would these alien trains look like? What kind of fuel do they use? What are these trains used for exactly? Where do they start? Where do they stop? What would happen if all the trains on that world stopped working altogether? What would the population do?


Listen to some music and write a scene based off it. Here’s the twist. You can’t describe how anything sounds.


Write a character who receives comfort from numbers.


Person A: *laughs outright hysterically*
Person B: Stop reading my mind!


Imagine your characters in a family (or just friends) photo shoot. Who pulls the extravagant pose? Who sticks out their tongue? Who acts like they wish they weren’t there? Etc.


Imagine your character (or create a new one) as a hairdresser. What would their desk/table look like? What would give away clues to their personality?


What would a ball of yarn do at a hairdresser? What would it do on an alien space ship? How would it get from the hairdresser’s to the space ship? Is the ball of yarn anthropomorphic?


How do other countries celebrate Christmas? Write a story set in that country.


Find a song and rewrite the lyrics to create something completely different. Or something similar but still different.


Write a song you think would be the theme song for your book, character, or chapter, even.


Write a list of the pros and cons of YouTube and explain why you believe each to be a pro or con. Now choose one or more of those cons, exaggerate it/them to no end, and make it/them happen to your character(s).


So, here you go! I hope you found these helpful or, at the least, entertaining. XD If you have, then yay, I was successful! I hope you guys have a wonderful, safe spring!


God bless.


-Jadzia Manx


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March 2019 Writing Prompts! https://onegeeksobservations.com/2019/03/07/2019-march-writing-prompts/ https://onegeeksobservations.com/2019/03/07/2019-march-writing-prompts/#respond Thu, 07 Mar 2019 22:21:31 +0000 http://onegeeksobservations.com/?p=45

Writing prompts for March 2019! It’s here! This is something I plan to do every month as a way of exercising my mind to help me become a better writer. And what better way to do that than to put it to a use that benefits others as well?


Actually, my original intent was that it seems less complicated than writing about a single subject for paragraphs at a time in a coherent fashion. I’m a bit lazy, lol.


So, without further ado, here you go! 😀



  1. “That’ll buff out.”
    “Buff out, a shattered mirror, does not.”


  1. Describe something that is brown and green without using the words, “brown” “green” “Earth” “plant” nor “tree.”


  1. Imagine a scenario where your character is flying in a half-scrapped airplane over the Arctic ocean, supposedly on their way to Spain, when a storm rolls in and they almost crash into an F-15 jet. The only possible thing that got them into this mess is a crate of rubber bands. And no, they are not made of contraband.


  1. Your character is thrown into an alternate universe where an alien war is raging and they have to stay under the protection of one side. Now they can’t go home. However, it’s not because they only want to stay alive.


  1. “Whatcha thinking about?”
    “Polka-dots, beeping alarms, and sunny days.
    Thunderstorms, summer nights, and cheese.
    The color of white, hugs, and laundromats.
    Music, tunnels, and narrowed eyes.
    Swords, shields, and armor.
    A rose for one cause being single is fun anyways.”
    “He forgot about your anniversary again didn’t he?”


  1. Write a story based on these three things,
    without making them obvious.


  1. What would happen if your character was five minutes late to an event?
    What are the consequences?
    Is it life and death or something trivial?
    Who would overreact to this scenario?


  1. Imagine your character on a boat sailing for shore when all of a sudden…. cats.


  1. You’re tired and you have the flu. You take too much experimental cough medicine by accident.
    How did you get this experimental medicine?
    What happens when you overdose?
    Would you hallucinate?
    What exactly would you hallucinate about? Real people? Fictional characters? Talking rats?


  1. Think of five things that would irritate your character. Each based off of one of the senses. Ex. nails on a chalkboard; Jello; sandpaper; the smell of lavender; the color of orange.


  1. Look up a list of phobias. Pick one at random and give it to your character. Now place them in a situation that attacks that very phobia in the worst way.


  1. A country prom dance turns into a mystery.
    Keyword: wigs


  1. Describe the colors red and yellow as people.


  1. Create a planet where trees are actually fountains.


  1. An adventure through the Great Smokey Mountains turns into a comedy involving bears and peanut butter.
    No, the bears do not get to eat the peanut butter. Unless you want them to.


  1. Christmas has rolled around again. Explain how this relates to the number 32.


  1. Write about the first time a blind person is able to see.


  1. What happens when a tree falls down?
    What caused it?
    Does it affect the wildlife? How?
    What can the tree do to stay alive?
    Is the tree old or young?
    If the tree is anthropomorphic, is he/she pessimistic, optimistic, or something in between about this situation?


  1. 47 species of cheese reside on an island and build a civilization. What happens when humans find this island full of sentient dairy?


  1. What would absolutely break your character? Send them through their lowest low of all time? Write about it.


  1. A gamer loses WiFi right in the middle of his live stream. Explain how this could literally be the end of the world.


  1. Ever heard of Parent Trap? Write a similar story but with a triplet.


  1. “Stripes.”


  1. Hovercars are the norm. Write about how that could turn into a complete disaster. Then write about how it could be turned back around for good.


  1. Write about these three things in one story/whatever you’re writing:
    Valentine’s Day
    A bowling ball
    A cheese grater.


  1. Little House on the Prairie except on an alien planet far into the future.


  1. Water is considered as valuable as diamonds in one reality and poison in another. Explain why.


  1. What if chocolate is made illegal? Especially striped chocolate.


  1. What if grass, even though two inches short, is as hard to cut as a 100 year old tree?


  1. After building a website, you start receiving strange messages from strange people coming to your door. Later, you find out they’re codes meant for a spy whom they all mistake for you. The actual spy is dead. How do you get out of this mess?


  1. You know how squirrels have been growing popular in fiction like in Ice Age? Why don’t we try popularizing kinkajous?



Yup, that’s it. Thirty-one writing prompts for March 2019! Despite how late this actually is. 😛 I hope at least one of these have helped spark some inspiration and creativity for you. I realize some of them are quite challenging, great for those who really like to wrack their brains. 😉


I had to wrack mine to get these ideas to come, actually. It took me four days, lol. But I have it done now. Yay, me. And yay, you if any of these things help you start something wonderful. And it most likely will be. If you love writing, you’ll think of something great. 🙂 I hope you enjoy!


God bless.


-Jadzia Manx

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